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Education of Stall

The entry of critical education stream in our education world increasingly opens concept stall opportunities to the old system and also in our education. Even the young intellectuals started from student, lecturer and education practitioner increasingly nuts, they are surprised with conceptual strength of critical education from Paulo Freire.

In this case, we are rather than anti to change. However we that need to take heed is about relevance concepts developed by Paulo Freire with our public. Mean that reasoning of sosio-kultural between Brazil as place which has borne figure Paulo Freire with refer to its the social system with Indonesia as nation of East that is of course has owned epithet as religion public clearly differs in. This viewpoint we ought to comprehend circumspectly. Till now we only are surprised at controversy concepts or idea and men-dunia, but we are careless in comprehending setting it’s the sosio-kultural.

The education masters we have mutually agreed to fully the meant with Pendidikan Critics is all idea which been developed by Paulo Freire (1921-1997). Has digagas have by Freire is not solely limited to education discourse only. But farther Freire has applied philosophic approach which then builds paradigm Pendidikan Critics.

Freire is education figure which is anti imperialism, exploitation at the same time grind to man potencies. Every grind, for him[s, cannot be tolerated because unmatched to humanity values. Because that is Freire haves a notion that education is for “humanizes man" (humanization). In comprehending philosophy framework Freire the good of we beforehand trace at root the problem which most basic from its (the idea. Freire by using approach of humanist builds it’s the education concept starts from man concept as active subject.

Freire highlights that in education there are three basal element namely; instructor, educative participant and world reality ( Mansour Faqih, Roem Topatimasang, Toto Rahardjo : 2001 : 40) Relation between first element with second element as does friend who complementary in process of study. Both doesn't function structurally is formal which later will dissociate both. Even Freire menengarai that relation between instructor and participant educated having the character of formal structural will only bear " education of bank style" ( banking concept of education).

" Education of bank style" is pattern the relation of contradiction that is each other depress. When instructor (teacher) placed on course above, hence educative participant (pupil) must below by receiving authority pressures of the teacher. Therefore education of like this will only bear grind and unmatched to fitrah. Freire is more wants that relation between teacher and pupil as does a friend or partnership. With model the relation of like this enables the education runs in dialogist and participators.

Position of instructor and participant educated by Freire categorized as subject " conscious" ( cognitive). Mean both this positions functioning pari pasu as subject in process of study. The role of teacher only represent from a friend (partnership) which good for its(the pupil. As for position of world reality becomes medium or object " what realized" (cognizable). Here the man learning from its(the life. That way man in confectioning education of Freire discovers position as active subject. Man then learning from reality as study medium.

Basically the man has "freedom" (freedom) in choosing and doing, even in determining his own chance. This is fitroh man who by Freire conceived of the man's ontological vocation. Because freedom in choosing, develops potency is fitrah man, hence every grind denying man potency by Freire seen as not to be humanitarian. Therefore s(he is menggagas that education is "process" for "humanizes man" (humanization).

In condition of social the pulled over (marginal) there are some characters typical of which then bears complex problem. Grind is one of between it is namely when power authority is more dominantly and exploits man without fair a few also. With position of fear from marginal clan that is which then increasingly creates difference in social life. People who is pulled over that then increasingly light, over a barrel or increasingly dissolves in "mute culture" (submerged indium the culture of silence).

They unable to fight against authority a group of man that is in command because of course unable to comprehend x'self and social reality. One of problem causing them cornered to be continuous is illiterate public factor, blind of discourse etcetera. To change condition of oppressed public social that is, Freire said movement "resuscitation" ( William A Smith; 2001: xvii). As business is freeing man from backwardness, mute stupidity or culture the always fearful.

Intention from movement of this resuscitation is that man can recognize reality (area) at the same time their/his self. Man can comprehend condition of it’s the situated behind life of that critically. Minimum with effort for the resuscitation, man can comprehend condition of their/his self and can analyze problems causing it. In This Case Freire maps awareness typology of man in four categories; Firstly, Magic Consciousness, Both Naval Consciousness; Third Critical Consciousness and Keempat, or which very top is Transformation Consciousness.

Magical Awareness is awareness type very determinis. A man unable to comprehend reality at the same time their/his self. Even in facing everyday life of s/he is more trusts in strength of taqdir which has determined. That s/he must live poor, amentia, situated behind etcetera is a "suratan takdir" (destiny) which cannot be assayed.

Naive Awareness is awareness type that is a few above its the levels compared to before ally. Naive awareness in new man x'self limited to understanding but less can analyze social problems related to elements that are supporting a problem social. He is new simply understanding that the oppressed x'self, situated behind and that atypical. But indigent to map systematically problems that is supporting a problem the social. More than anything else to submit a solution bargain from problem social.

Awareness of Stall is most ideal type among awareness type before all. Critical awareness had the character of analytical at the same time praxis. The someone can comprehend social problem started from problem mapping, identification and can determine elements influencing it. Side that is s(he can offer solutions alternative of from a problem social.

Awareness of Transformative is top from stall awareness. In other term of this awareness is " it’s the awareness" (the concise of the consciousness). People more and more praxis in formulating a problem. Between ideas, word and action and progresifity in state of balance. Awareness of transformative will make the man really in degree of as man who perfect.

After passing resuscitation process, education will be able to free man from human life shackle. In process of this end, education will free man at the same time returns at potencies fitri. Meaning " freedom" (liberation) is Liberation of man from grind shackles pursuing life inveterately.

In this case process of Liberation has indication like; optimism, resistant and stall. This optimism position built man as hopeful figure. As for position resistant is man character which most elementary when getting pressures either in physical and also psychical from power. While position of stall is manifestos from position of someone capable to comprehend condition of social and x'self in tussle directly with other man.

*) By Mu'arif. Writer is former director Forum Study Freire IMM IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Now becomes journalist at magazine Suara Muhammadiyah.

Translated by: Wisnu Sujianto DH


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