Why is pig prohibited?
11:20 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Islam has prohibited all blood kind, chemistry analysis from blood shows tall pregnancy existence from uric acid (sour tendon), a dangerous chemistry compound for human well-being, has poison. With the other word, uric acid rubbish in blood formed body metabolism consequence imperfect that caused by pregnancy purine in food. In human body, this compound is taking as dirt, and 98% from uric acid in body take from within blood by kidney, and throwed away out body passes urine.
In Islam is known special procedure in animal butchery, that is called Allah name almighty and make slice cuts animal neck aorta, while let tendons and another organ intact. in this way causes animal death because run out of blood from body, rather than because dispute in the vital organ, because if heart for example organs, heart, or brain is botched, animal can died at the same moment and the blood will thicken in tendons and final dirty meat, will cause animal meat polluted by uric acid, so that make it toxic, and in present day new food experts will realize of this thing, subhanallah.
Can we know if pig not be slaughtered at neck? Because they don't have neck, as according to the natural anatomy? For Moslem person of opinion if pig really must be slaughtered and proper for human consumption, sure the creator will design this animal with has neck.
Medical science detects that pig as female trader from many parasite kinds and malignancy, system biochemistry pig takes only 2% from entire pregnancies uric acid, while 98% stored the rest in the body.
Allah the almighty and most worthy of praise clear forbid it pig,
- al Baqoroh (2): 173
- al maa'idah (5): 3
- al an’am (6): 145
- al nahl (16): 115
Rasulullah may Allah bless him and give him peace also confirm pig more many dangerous.
Fact prohibited about pig:
Pig is animal dirtiest and dirty, like to consume dead body and the dirt self human dirt even also eating. To present in dirty place so much, doesn't like at one's post clean and dry. Idler animal pig and doesn't like to work (to look for woof), doesn't hold back towards sunshine, not nimble, but eat it greedy (more like to eat and sleep), even greediest between another tame animal. If add age, so more lazy weak (doesn't desire menerkam and defend self). Like with of a kind and not jealous. a. v. nalbandov and n. v. nalbandov (book: adaptive physiology on mammals and birds). Pork consumer often sigh smell stench of urine in pork (follows scientific watchfulness, that matter. caused because praeputium pig often leak, so that urine pig permeates to meat). Thick pig back fat has back fat pig (back fat) goodly. Pig consumer often chooses pork that thins the back fat, because more thinly the back fat, assumed more gooder the quality. Pig back fat character experience oxidative rancidity, so that according to chemistry structure improper mengonsumsi.
Pig the greed in eat unchallenged animal other. He eats all foods exist in front of it. If the stomach full or the food has finished, he will vomit up the stomach contents and consume it again, to satisfy the greed. He will not stop to eat, even consume the vomit. He consume all that can be eaten at front it. consume dirt anything at in front of it, I don't know human dirt, animal or plant, even consume the dirt self, up to there is no again that can be eaten at front it. Sometimes he is urinate the dirt and consume it if reside in front it, then consume it to return. He consumes rotten rubbish and animal dirt. Pig only that consume soil, consume it in gross and during long if let. Skin one who will consume pig will take smell not delicious. Modern scientific watchfulness at two countries east west, that is
“Pork is to be the root cause cancer anus colon”. This disease sufferer percentage is at country the citizen consumes pig, increase drastically, especially at European countries, and
Pork meat very difficult digested because many contain fat. Although soft and seen so delicious and delicious, but difficult pork is digested. Parable it poison, as does cholesterol! Besides, pork causes many diseases: ossification in aorta, raise it blood pressure, breast pain that grasp (angina pectoris), and inflamed in hinges.
Around the 2001 ever happen America doctors success take outside worm that bloom at brain a woman, after some time experience well-being disturbances whom he feels after consuming famous Mexico special food shaped pork, hamburger (ham = pig, because the original, hamburger from pig meat). The woman confirms that self felts tired during 3 weeks after eat pork. That worm egg is adhere at intestines wall in body the woman, then move concurrent with blood circulation to the end, that is brain. And when does that worm reach brain, so he causes ill light initially, up to final die and can not out from it. This matter cause’s malfunction stringent in organ composition at region that surrounds that worm at brain. Diseases" tapeworm" is disease very dangerous that pass pork consumption. He blooms at intestines part 12 fingers at human body, and several that worm months will be adult. Tapeworm total can achieve around 1000 tail longly between 4 - 10 meters” and stay alive at human body and take outside the egg passes chapter (passes big).
I am ever read an article that say: “that that somebody behaved as according to what to eating.” See presentation at one of private television yesterday afternoon, a professor from IPB (?) canvass structure DNA pig. Something that surprises obvious, that pig gene structure resembles with human gene structure. So can be said pig gene = human gene, so equal to we consume human meat (=cannibal), subhanallah. So there rights it article a while ago say if we consumed pig it is not impossible pig character template in we, not in we, possible in our breed! wallahu a'lam.
Pig illegality
By prof. dr. aisjah girindra
Prohibited the law pig utilization, good on meat, fat, also another parts. Allah saying the almighty and most worthy of praise in QS. 5: 3 forbid dead body consumption, blood, and pork. And so it is with saying in QS. 6: 145 and QS. 16.115 forbid dead body consumption, blood, and pork. Propositions in several these verses is nash clear, confirm about illegality, among others consuming pig. Alquran uses word lakhma (meat) because a large part benefit taking from pig meat. Besides, in pork always found fat. Although Lauren use word lakhma, pig ban bot merely the meat. But entire pig animal bodies. This opinion is as according to norm ushul fiqh: min dzikri'l-juz I am wa iradati'l kulli. Mean that mentioned a part and would entire. That pork contains tapeworm (taenia solium), most of all person know it. Obvious not only that is danger that threaten pig eater. Bacon contains highest cholesterol is compared with another animal fat. Highest tendon acidulous the blood. Sour tendon be ingredient that if found in blood can evoke various disease in human. Be general erudition that at least 70 disease kind’s common ail pig animal and several can spread human that consume it.
Knowledge forbids pork, especially tapeworm existence, oftentimes oppose by modern hygienist. They say that worm easy caused even with ripening technique simplest. This opinion is really misled because itself pig disgusts for one who clean the soul. Allah the almighty and most worthy of praise forbid since time ago for old ones time so that human detects. Human now new know a little the danger, that is tapeworm, but such far before that is Allah the almighty and most worthy of praise forbid it. May be now person is considering that modern ripe device experience progress, so that there assumption if pork not again endanger and both such a threat source for human. With food processing technology and sophisticated heating technique, that danger can be caused.
They have forgetted that to overcome tapeworm danger consume time for centuries. That is just for uncover one disease. Who can guarantee that outside that disease there is no again danger that implied in pork? What not properly syari'at far more precede human erudition progress tens our last century trusts thoroughly? All decisions are extradited in syari'at (laws) own what allowed and avoid what forbidden. Syariat this from Allah very wise and very detect form and characteristics all makhluk-.
Now with case appearance Japanese encephalitis (je) at Malaysian, almost all eyes returns opened. One again disaster threatens human emerges and based on from pig. Apparently Allah stills pity in human, so that again human is reminded so that keeps away that prohibited animal. A lot of evidence that show to wickedness pig. But so far reckless permanent human consume it.